Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4th Bike Ride

Since the Summer of 2004 I've been an avid bike rider, cycling to and from work each and every day, rain or shine, and riding for fitness and recreation every weekend day. I'm not sure if it's the riding I enjoy more, or the fact that I get to ride the New York City Greenway.

The Greenway begins just two blocks from my home on 38th and 2nd Avenue, and it offers over 30 miles and 2 hours of wonderful scenery and interesting experiences, only possible in America's greatest city.

Miles 1-8

Today began with a Free Tibet protest just minutes into the ride. I have certain fondness for Tibet since I have two Lhasa Apso dogs (Lhasa is the capital of Tibet), but I also have a deep respect for the Chinese people and I actually think Tibet will be better off as part of the fast growing Chinese nation than as an independent country.

The next 7 miles included the tennis courts under the Williamsburg Bridge, South Street Seaport,

the future site of the new World Trade Center, and I passed by my office in Chelsea.

Miles 9-18

Next 10 miles up to the George Washington Bridge - decked out with a flag for the holiday, and a pass by Fort Tryon Park home of the Cloisters branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art dedicated to the art and architecture of the European Middle Ages.

Miles 19-32

After turning around near the tippy top of Manhattan island, I headed back home along the Hudson River, passing by the cruise ships along the NYC Passenger Ship Terminal,

before turning on 42nd Street for a roll through Times Square.

Mile 33

Nearly done now as I stop for self portrait in front of Grand Central Station, 4 block from home.

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