Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mission What?

I arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel on Tuesday with many of my company colleagues for three days of intense business meetings discussing the future of cable TV and the internet.
After all the closed meetings, lunches, and dinners within the hotel, I took a few minutes to slip away to the real world on Peachtree Blvd. and the first person I met was this guy.

It seems that I had forgotten that today was the 5 year anniversary of President Bush's "Mission Accomplished" declaration about the war in Iraq. I thanked my street friend for the double dose of reality.
Interesting to note that the Vietnam War, perhaps our most unpopular US war of the last century, started Jan 31, 1965, and US involvement didn't end until 10 years later in 1975 when the last troops were withdrawn. So I guess we still have a ways to go in Iraq.

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